As this year winds down for another year to commence, out come the goals that might get recycled each year with the regularity of abandoned pine trees on curbs the last week in December. Let’s face it, we look forward to new beginnings. When the clock completes the circle toward midnight on New Year’s Eve, a page is filled and turned so we may begin jotting on a new one.
Cooking matters. In 2013, I had the privilege of teaching 12 San Francisco children some cooking skills in the kitchen with 18 Reasons and am already conspiring when I will get to do it again in 2014. Jamie Oliver has become synonymous with taking the real food revolution to new levels, especially with getting children in the U.S. excited about real food. I am sending them a gigantic thank you for the work he and his team are doing to create a groundswell in the real food movement and also for the opportunity to share on his blog why cooking matters in San Francisco. Please pop over there to read about the experience and share a comment about why real food and cooking matters to you.
Food, poetry and art will be coming soon to your inbox. The previous sentence would have ended with an exclamation mark if I hadn’t already used up my allowance for the year. If you peruse The Food Poet regularly, consider signing up for sporadic updates with subscriber only recipes, city travel guides and book reviews. I promise not to bombard your inbox, but plan on keeping a few choice nuggets for newsletter subscribers to mix things up a bit on a quarterly basis. Also, if there is anything you would like to see more of, leave a comment below and we can see about finagling it into the newsletter.