So you might be scratching your head and holding up two words, weighing them to see if they might possibly even each other out, “lemons, tortilla espanola?” I know. It perplexed me too. What happens when you unwittingly walk away from a rather impromptu visit to Sacramento with three ginormous Meyer lemons in tow? You… Continue reading When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Tortilla Espanola
Recipe Category: brunch recipes
Pesto Polenta Breakfast Bake
The last minute guest. The cook who isn’t a morning person. The brunch menu that needs a main course. If you might find yourself nodding to any of the aforementioned items, then I am happy to introduce you to Pesto Polenta Breakfast Bake as I can attest to not being a morning person too. Taking… Continue reading Pesto Polenta Breakfast Bake
Bok Choy Bell Pepper Scramble
Breakfast is important in these here parts. Did you know it’s the most important meal of the day? One of the best things you can do for your husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, boss, deskmate, and most definitely for yourself is not skip this meal of champions. You “break” the “fast” of eight hours sleep with… Continue reading Bok Choy Bell Pepper Scramble
Cheddar & Chopped Turkey Kolaches
The love of the road trip courses through my blood. It probably has something to do with haling from the great republic of Texas where the land is wide and flat and the road is welcoming asphalt to rubber. From a young age, Mom diligently cultivated this love in me. It would start early before… Continue reading Cheddar & Chopped Turkey Kolaches
I have never been a morning person. At a young age, Mom and I developed an understanding about me and the morning. Tread gently or waken the hibernating bear. It is one of her many graces that she knew me to be a creature of the night, my creative outlet waking up when the sun… Continue reading Migas
International travel is a great way to delve head first into understanding a person better. As one of our first major outings as a newly dating couple, Nathan and I headed down south to Mexico. I popped the question a few weeks into dating, not thinking it was a terribly big deal. The backstory is… Continue reading Chilaquiles
Leek Goat Cheese Quiche
Sometimes you need a quickie brunch recipe. (or easy lunch // dinner // snackā¦ recipe.) As a child I never understood brunch. Why condense two meals into one? In my mind, it seemed to be something only adults really could appreciate like Nick at Night. The three women in my life growing up sure know… Continue reading Leek Goat Cheese Quiche