You’re invited today to a party. A food poetry party…
It doesn’t matter if you happen to be in Paris, New York City, Connecticut or Los Angeles. This party is open to folks all around the world with only one requirement: share a poem or recipe – share the name of a poet or chef who have inspired you. As far as housewarming parties go, the no gift policy almost rings true.
The Food Poet.
It rolls off the tongue nicely, doesn’t it? Only one week in the new digs and I’m already smitten with the promise of food and poetry mingling even more here on the food poet. That may take the form of the food poems that form a conversation between image and words to form poems. Perhaps there will be other tomfoolery of the poem and food variety. Who knows what the muse may amuse?
So, as you can see, it made sense to host a party and invite you, your friends, the food and the poetry to celebrate in a globally grand way. I will post a recap of our madcap food poetry party later this week.
The best kind of party is the one that includes you.
Click here or the photo above to be taken to the food poetry party to dive in.
2 poets who have poured sustenance into my days;
Anne Michaels
Luci Shaw
Gllenguy- Would that we all had people who “poured sustenance” into our days. That is a real gift. Thanks for sharing!
Click on the link for “Kitchenettes & Onion Fumes” and prepare to be transported to Chicago with Gwendolyn Brooks.