How many people have asked me this week: “What happened to your chin?”
To which I have replied:
1.) I’m getting started on my Halloween costume early- do you think I’ll make a good zombie?
2.) I burned it steeping a cup of tasty Yunnan. I am that committed to tea.
3.) I was smelling a candle and got too close to the flame.
4.) Right! Next time I should iron my shirt and not my face!
5.) I always wanted to know what it would feel like to be a woman with a flesh singed goatee.
6.) There’s nothing quite like a boil on the face to keep the compliments coming!
7.) There are never enough good reasons in life to pull out the aloe vera.
8.) I like to answer the phone using only half of my mouth.
9.) We all go to drastic measures to find good conversation starters for dates.
10.) I got too close to the open flame while heating corn tortillas for quesadillas.
And, #11: Rug burn from doing the “worm” dance (you know where you dive along the floor..). Acutally. That DID happen to Tyler once. He rugburned his face dancing. It was pretty funny… 😛
Okay Annelies, what really happened?…
Do tell… Corn tortillas?