Beyond the natural world, survival of the fittest perhaps is most prevalent in the kitchen. In the course of establishing how you cook, some ingredients emerge as the work horses, the indispensable elements that lay the foundation for your cooking. In the back of my mind, I can hear my dad bemoan me reaching for… Continue reading Chicken Salad with Creamy Chimichurri Sauce
Tag: buckwheat
Buckwheat Huckleberry Pancakes with Plum Ginger Compote
When looking for ways to quell pain, to stanch the source, people do interesting things. I know someone who signed up for a half marathon as a way to let her body know how really strong she is after something traumatic happened. Other people retreat into themselves and the comfort of their own company, even… Continue reading Buckwheat Huckleberry Pancakes with Plum Ginger Compote