Denver- DNC Day 1 Perspectives & Climate

SPIRIT OF THE DNC There are people throughout the airport holding signs that say “Questions?” and are working in conjunction with the DNC and the McDonald employees are all wearing obama t-shirts. There are three secret service workers standing in front of me. they discussed how wearing sunglasses allows them to see where a bullet is… Continue reading Denver- DNC Day 1 Perspectives & Climate

SF: Taste3 & Sound

TASTE3 Read movers and shakers in the food & beverage world converging on the lush wine country that is Napa for 2 days. This conference brought the thinkers into the equation for a good mix of ideas, questions and of course amazing food. Sponsored by the Robert Mondavi winery and held at COPIA in Napa.… Continue reading SF: Taste3 & Sound

Vegas Retreat

I came back from Vegas tired but fully satisfied. I can’t explain it, but I felt fresh and complete. Perhaps it had something to do with hours that were mine to dictate and conjure up frozen drinks by the pool. Perhaps it had something to do with diving head-first into a book that made my… Continue reading Vegas Retreat

SF: Thursday of Yum

So far the restaurant fast is going okay. I kind of gave myself a concession today by getting lunch at the farmer’s market. The farmer’s market. Ah, this to me is such a breath of air in daytimes spent in cubicles. The weather was a warm and sunny 70 degrees. We procured our nibbles from… Continue reading SF: Thursday of Yum

April Experiment

As Sandra is going on a sugar fast, I am going on a restaurant fast for the month of April. This is made infinitely easier by the fact that I am not traveling this month. I look forward to cooking up some enticing meals and being creative about time spent outside of the house with… Continue reading April Experiment