On mystery and writing

My mentor made a comment to me over lunch during the residency, nicely sandwiched in between bites of strawberries doused by whipping cream. She has this way about her that penetrates and asks the questions around which others might lollygag. But not her. Its importance is not attached to being said between bites. I sat… Continue reading On mystery and writing

Guts and all

Some people are content with seeing a highly anticipated movie the weekend of its opening. I, on the other hand, am not. There’s something about the energy of a crowd that has waited hours in line until the clock strikes midnight to build adrenaline and enthusiasm. “Lord of the Rings” definitely had me on a… Continue reading Guts and all

My date with the little Prince

My good friends Pam and Darren will soon move to London. He has lived in the city for 10 years, she for around 8. The three of us have been involved in outreach and friendship building to street kids for around seven years, although right now I am on hiatus with school requirements vying fiendishly… Continue reading My date with the little Prince

Categorized as Spirit

extinguishing the ring of fire- a poem by annelies zijderveld

extinguishing the ring of fire – a first draft by annelies zijderveld the evening sky glowers, seeing your shivering hand gripping mine. it covers us, blanket of fleece flocking down above, you in your white sheets, white bed, silver clasps your night- time story, nightmare turned real. white walls thin as paper, rowdy voices fighting… Continue reading extinguishing the ring of fire- a poem by annelies zijderveld

Categorized as Poetry

Seattle- in Brief

After a highly successful day at the college and university show (I think I could classify for energizer bunny status), we dismantled our booth and Rob decided to go have a cocktail and change for dinner, while I headed over to a late matinee of Harry Potter. I left the theater enthused and infused with… Continue reading Seattle- in Brief

Seattle- Today

— I could never live here. I feel like I’ve walked the entire downtown in one fell swoop. Having just come from the giantess that is New York and being tethered to the small town / big city dynamic of San Fran., Seattle in all its beauty feels far too small. — I am looking… Continue reading Seattle- Today

NYC: Siblings

Tonight after a networking event, I hooked up with my best friend Kathi’s sister Kim. The highlight of the evening consisted of sitting in Dylan’s Candy Bar sipping frozen hot chocolates and talking about being single and spiritual in the urban jungle. We laughed and found ourselves in a similar season of our lives. It’s… Continue reading NYC: Siblings