Silky Butternut Squash Soup

SOUP RECIPES- Silky Butternut Squash Soup

SOUP RECIPES- Silky Butternut Squash Soup

The fall hastened the coming of winter this year. Fall came and went overshadowed by the wedding. I think I missed November altogether this year. Thanksgiving became the whole of the month. Yikes. Month one of being married kept us busy unpacking and making our home from our individual bits.

Winter in San Francisco is rain and chill. Snow doesn’t alight on our city but sometimes if we’re lucky, it caps Mt. Tamalpais. Fall and winter mean soup season has descended. Usually I make at least one pot of Butternut Squash soup. It often changes slightly, but after trying this particular rendition, Nathan exclaimed, “you should share this on the blog.” High praise indeed.

Something about soup is both warming and comforting. It fills the belly and heats you up from the core. Homemade soup is like a hand-written letter waiting for you in the mailbox. It makes you want to rip it open, spoon it up. Served with homemade bread or cornbread finishes the ensemble.

One Saturday morning, ahem the Saturday morning after Thanksgiving, the rain was dripping from an all-grey sky. It was a good day to stay home, cook, read and enjoy just being together. I had roasted the butternut squash staring at me from the veggie bowl on our counter the night before. I had been itching to make Butternut Squash soup and that was only made more keen when we had it the night before Thanksgiving at Nathan’s parent’s house. Think of it as bookends to our Thanksgiving celebration.

Nathan came into the kitchen and as I started up the soup, he began playing guitar. The smells of curry scented the air as his strumming set a pace and rhythm. The sizzle of butternut squash in the pot was accented by one song leading into another. This might be one of my favorite Saturdays ever with him. I served this with stuffed peppers and we cozied up in our warm home with the sound of rain slapping the windowpane.




YIELD: 4 servings

  • ½ leek, rinsed and sliced
  • 1 large garlic clove, sliced
  • 2 T olive oil
  • 1 T curry powder
  • ¼ cup whipping cream
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • ½ cooked butternut squash, roasted & quartered
  • 2 cups chicken stock

Heat the oil in a soup pot and once it’s hot, toss in the leeks and garlic along with the curry powder. Once they’ve browned, add the butternut squash. Simmer for about five minutes and then add the whole milk, whipping cream and chicken stock. Simmer for 15 minutes. Then with your immersion blender, puree the soup. Serve & enjoy.





  1. One of my favorite winter soups. So simple yet so comforting. Thank you for the inspiration. I have another butternut squash sitting in my kitchen somewhere.

  2. I kid you not when I say I just finished a leftover quarter of butternut squash for breakfast. Just sat there and ate it with a spoon, while sipping tea.

    (My friend Debbie used to make wonderful butternut squash soup. I may make your version in her honor.)

  3. big question: is soping bad?

    Ok, so I love soup. a lot. I also love bread. a lot. so at the end of a meal I feel morally bankrupt if I leave either of any clinging to my bowl or my plate. so I sop up all the soup with my bread. In my mind, this is how God intended us to eat soup and why he gave us bread. Why was there no soup at the last supper? no idea, but I bet you Jesus would have sopped. Anyway, I am harassed and harangued by those near to me for this practice. They call it uncouth and in poor form. The word “barbaric” was once uttered. It made me sad. I stand staunchly behind my sopping because I want to draw the marrow out of life and the last drops of joy from my bowl.

    So dear lady, the question I pose to you: sopping, barbaric practice or highest compliment for well made soup?

  4. Mmm. For breakfast, eh? How did you spice your butternut squash? I bet that could make an interesting addition to oatmeal… I love honoring a friend and trying a new recipe. Good call!

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