Obsessions: Ginger Juice

Talking about food is almost as good as actually eating it. Obsessions can start innocuously. Trolling the farmers’ market and tasting the sweetness of the season’s first albion strawberries. Tasting beets as if for the first time in Santa Monica. Once an obsession is in its full throes, it makes a person practically quicken creatively in… Continue reading Obsessions: Ginger Juice

Buckwheat Huckleberry Pancakes with Plum Ginger Compote

When looking for ways to quell pain, to stanch the source, people do interesting things. I know someone who signed up for a half marathon as a way to let her body know how really strong she is after something traumatic happened. Other people retreat into themselves and the comfort of their own company, even… Continue reading Buckwheat Huckleberry Pancakes with Plum Ginger Compote

Gingered Chocolate Orange Muffcakes

I love a challenge. Well, let me preface that by saying maybe not the kind that makes a mathlete’s head whir and spin or even the kind you might see on Survivor.  The other day on Twitter, Linda (aka SaltySeattle) initiated a baking party of Muffcakes, all to be posted on December 27th. While she… Continue reading Gingered Chocolate Orange Muffcakes