How Poetry Can Make You a Better Food Writer

The title seems kind of obvious. I can hear you groaning into your computer with an exasperated, “of course Annelies feels this way.” And yet, I’m not alone in my supposition. I reckon that just as good writers happen to be good readers, that does not exclude a snack of poetry for sustenance. Surely there… Continue reading How Poetry Can Make You a Better Food Writer

Tattooed by Love: Food Poetry on Exhibit

Nails in hand, hammer in the other we assess the long wall along the Abbey Coffeehouse, already pocked with the absence of previous nails. Along the muted grey hallway, we measured and marked, then hammered and nailed up the Cranberry Lassi Food Poem. The day started long and lazy, dead center of Independence Day weekend. We… Continue reading Tattooed by Love: Food Poetry on Exhibit

Restaurant Poetry: Volcano Curry

  RESTAURANT POETRY: Volcano Curry by Annelies Zijderveld   When the coming blanket of fog buffets the sky like stallions set to flight, an awakening begins to rise and rumble in my stomach with insistence.   Off we go in search of something hot to head off the chill that clings to all of our… Continue reading Restaurant Poetry: Volcano Curry

Poets in the Kitchen: Jeff Friedman

When researching poetry MFA programs and poets I wanted to study with during my MFA, Jeff Friedman was on my short list. I found myself taken with his ability to weave together midrash poetry or narrative. He ended up being my second mentor in school and one I stay in touch with often. Our shared… Continue reading Poets in the Kitchen: Jeff Friedman

Poetry as Necessity- Is that a Poem in Your Pocket?

When April descends, it brings with it National Poetry month. I love the idea of a month entirely dedicated to poetry as it seems we turn to poetry in the best of times and the worst of times. I have a hunch it can belong in the in-between times too. With poetry, we all have… Continue reading Poetry as Necessity- Is that a Poem in Your Pocket?

Good Friday Poetry: Myopia

I’ve been thinking about death for the past few weeks. Lest you think this is stemming from some sort of morbidity on my part, it’s been a dose of digging deep into the passage of John 19 for guidance in writing a poem I read aloud today at a Good Friday service. Culturally speaking, Good… Continue reading Good Friday Poetry: Myopia

“On Leaving the Bachelorette Brunch” by Rachel Wetzsteon and Sesame Crackers with Smoked Salmon and Chive Crème Fraiche

It’s not often that I find a blog or a person with whom I share many affinities. Food alone, yes, I’m pretty confident in my confidantes who weekly write to their newest food obsessions. Poetry is a bit harder to come by as most poets keep their work private until the hatching time of publication.… Continue reading “On Leaving the Bachelorette Brunch” by Rachel Wetzsteon and Sesame Crackers with Smoked Salmon and Chive Crème Fraiche

Poets in the Kitchen: Ruth Ellen Kocher

Food and poetry make good bedfellows- I’ve said it before and this belief is the spark behind the food poet. If you look deeply enough into the collected works of a poet, chances are pretty high that you might find mention of bread or perhaps even an ode to an onion. I’m starting something new… Continue reading Poets in the Kitchen: Ruth Ellen Kocher