Jacques Pepin got me thinking: how many recipes does one person commit to memory in their lifetime? The question doesn’t suggest a one-size-fits-all answer but maybe you’re already beginning to rattle off recipe names or tick fingers doing a lap on the mental treadmill of memory. The only time we ever stirred a pot of… Continue reading Red Wine Chili
Tag: black beans
Creamy Black Beans with Melted Onions
It might seem like a given that a non-traditional person may not crave ritual. I counter the presupposition happily. Each weekend, Saturday evenings to be precise, I pad into the kitchen, already clothed in pajamas to measure our black turtle beans and pour them into a big red bowl. They cascade into the bowl like… Continue reading Creamy Black Beans with Melted Onions
Hunger Challenge Day 7: Black Refried Beans recipe
Nathan and I are living off of $4.72 per day per person this week as part of the SF Food Bank’s Hunger Challenge. This includes preparation, time and support… With a restricted budget, there are foods that don’t make it in, there are cravings and fatigue. I’m blogging my ramblings of the challenge this week. ________________________________… Continue reading Hunger Challenge Day 7: Black Refried Beans recipe