Hunger Challenge Day 7: Black Refried Beans recipe

Nathan and I are living off of $4.72 per day per person this week as part of the SF Food Bank’s Hunger Challenge. This includes  preparation, time and support… With a restricted budget, there are foods that don’t make it in, there are cravings and fatigue. I’m blogging my ramblings of the challenge this week. ________________________________… Continue reading Hunger Challenge Day 7: Black Refried Beans recipe

Hunger Challenge Day 5: Green Smoothie Recipe

Beck and I are living off of $4.72 per day per person this week as part of the SF Food Bank’s Hunger Challenge. This includes  preparation and time… With a restricted budget, there are foods that don’t make it in and there are cravings. I’m blogging my ramblings of the challenge this week. __________________________________ Fatigue… Continue reading Hunger Challenge Day 5: Green Smoothie Recipe

Hunger Challenge Day 4: Hummus Tostadas

Beck and I are living off of $4.72 per day per person this week as part of the SF Food Bank’s Hunger Challenge. This includes  preparation and time and by midweek some serious cravings. I’m blogging my ramblings of the challenge this week. ____________________________________________________ Support What do you do when you are in a dire… Continue reading Hunger Challenge Day 4: Hummus Tostadas

Hunger Challenge Day 3: Spinach Quiche Cups

Nathan and I are living off of $4.72 per day per person this week as part of the SF Food Bank’s Hunger Challenge. This includes  preparation and time… I’m blogging my ramblings of the challenge this week. _____________________________ Cravings Sometimes, there’s an itch you really want to scratch and you can’t quite scratch it. A spot… Continue reading Hunger Challenge Day 3: Spinach Quiche Cups

“254” by Emily Dickinson

Back in Sunday school class many moons ago, we memorized Bible verses. That simple act of committing words to memory acted as both a game and challenge to my budding brain. If you didn’t go to Sunday school or attend church, how did memorization play its part in your life growing up? What about now?… Continue reading “254” by Emily Dickinson

Elberta Fay Peaches with Ricotta & Mint

There are times when you want something simple. Perhaps that entails coming home after working a Monday, which really means Saturday, Sunday and Monday rolled into one long cigarillo that’s got you slightly lit up. Maybe you’re like me with a sweet tooth that runs deep and you’re trying to find healthier ways to sate… Continue reading Elberta Fay Peaches with Ricotta & Mint

Asparagus Artichoke Basil Rosettes

  [print_this] Asparagus Artichoke Basil Rosettes YIELD: 7 servings (2 per person based on 14 rosettes) When it comes to food for celebrations, we want to pull out all the stops. Initially, thinking about making these rosettes had me sweating bullets, but I conquered my fear and these were worth it! The variations and ideas for… Continue reading Asparagus Artichoke Basil Rosettes

Lentil Croquettes & Spinach Salad with Dill Mustard Sauce

I don’t know about you, but in our household we sure love a quick and easy, tasty and healthy dinner for Monday nights. Did that descriptor leave you a bit winded too? Well, that’s about how it feels to race home after racing all day at work catching up on weekend communications. Monday is the… Continue reading Lentil Croquettes & Spinach Salad with Dill Mustard Sauce

Fig & Goat’s Milk Yogurt Parfait

When traveling internationally, your pick of companions is key: do you like the same activities? Are you both regimented in scheduling activities or flexible to let the wind take you where it may? Is your companion someone who prefers historical artifacts and art or shopping? Does your companion have a discriminating palate or not? There’s… Continue reading Fig & Goat’s Milk Yogurt Parfait